
Keep Learning

The easier way to find your next

Apprenticeships are a great way to develop new talent in areas like software, engineering, accounting, admin, sales, marketing, warehousing, logistics and many more! Tell us what talent you need and we’ll find the applicants that are the best fit for your business. It’s that simple.

How it works

How it works
  • Deadline for employer sign-up

  • We find the best apprentices

    We work with schools, parents, young people and job seekers. We'll deliver an amazing promotional campaign to find you the best apprentices.

  • Shortlisting that's as easy as Airbnb!

    Using our data-rich application process, we make it easy for you to shortlist the applicants you want to interview.

  • Interviews

    Time to meet your applicants. You undertake interviews and assessments that help you find the right apprentice.

  • Offers made

    You make offers to applicants and they know to get back to you quickly. With Workplus, there's no hanging around!

  • Apprentices start

    Start dates will depend on the type of apprenticeship but most courses start in September & October. Time to see your apprentice shine!

And there’s more...


Increase apprentice success
You'll be part of a collaborative network of employers we'll help you mentor your apprentices - 95% of Workplus apprentices are still in post!

Your voice

Your voice with decision makers
Whether it's the Apprenticeship Levy, apprenticeship types and levels or whatever frustrates you, we'll raise your voice with the public, government, colleges and universities to make the apprenticeship system even better for you and your apprentices.

Developing new apprenticeships

Developing new apprenticeships
We can help you develop new apprenticeships you need to grow your business.

Committed working relationships

Committed working relationships
So far, Workplus has helped 145 apprentices into work in Northern Ireland, across 30 companies!


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Applications open until 26th August